Connect, Create, and Celebrate Your Unique Dance Journey
WOMEN´S WEEKEND (2 Days) with Alex Toledo & Sofia de Endaya
Embrace and Celebrate Your Authentic Femininity
Day 1: Saturday – Experimental Exploration, Skill Refinement
12:30 – 14:00 Creative & Experimental Excercises: Dive into innovative exercises designed to unlock new forms of expression and movement.
14:00 – 14:30 Break
14:30 – 15:30 Talk: Women & Men: Participate in an discussion/exchange about women’s and men’s roles in society and dance.
15:30 – 17:00 Technique Improvement: Focus on enhancing your style, skills, and self-expression.
20:00 Dinner all together: To built stronger connections and spend more time together we organise the reservation in a restaurant in the city.
22:00 Cuban Party: Celebrate your progress and connect with others in a joyful, supportive atmosphere.
Day 2 Sunday – Choreography and video
Choreography Project: Collaborate on a choreography with a specific Dresscode
Video Recording: Record your performance on video by amazing Sarah (Paris Cuban Salsa).
MEN´S DAY Cuban Style Workshop with Alain Zambrana
Saturday 8.3. 12:30 – 17:00 Control, Confidence & Style
12:30 – 14:00 Technique & Body Movement: Improve your fundamentals, work on your posture, and learn how to make your movements smoother and more confident.
14:00 – 14:30 Break
14:30 – 15:30 Talk with the women: Participate in an discussion/exchange about women and men and their roles in society and dance.
15:30 – 17:00 Footwork, Turns & Choreography: Master specific salsa moves, perfect your turns, and expand your repertoire with a cool, combined choreography.
20:00 Joint dinner: We arrange the reservation in a restaurant, but it´s not included in the ticket.
22:00 Cuban Dance Party: Celebrate your progress and connect with others in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. Included in the ticket. Location will be announced.